The Sheep in the Crate vs. Schrödinger’s cat
✧Literature and English Learning Program
♡Awaken the dormant poet, musician, and astronomer within you♡
♡Réveillez le poète, le musicien et l’astronome dormant en vous♡
本頻道節目第一季將以中英雙語導讀 『小王子』全書。
希望透過本頻道帶給聽眾們滋潤生命的養份,請多多支持 ☺
The first season of this channel will feature a bilingual exploration of the book “The Little Prince.” In addition to discussing the literary imagery and metaphorical content of “The Little Prince,” the program will also incorporate other works by the author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. It aims to guide the audience in a clear and captivating manner, enabling them to discern the profound messages Saint-Exupéry intended to convey through the abstract beauty of literature.
We hope that this channel will provide the audience with nourishment for their lives. Your support is greatly appreciated. ☺”
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『25 你 們 從 前 好 像 迷 路 的 羊 , 如 今 卻 歸 到 你 們 靈 魂 的 牧 人 監 督 了 。』
聖修伯里也在他二戰回憶錄 航向阿拉斯 中,經常反思信仰對於人類小我及大我的意義。
” For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.”
In the works of Saint-Exupéry, many recurring literary images, such as sheep, wheat fields, and springs, all have their own special religious connotations.
In his memoir of World War II, Flight to Arras, Saint-Exupéry frequently reflects on the significance of faith for both the individual and the collective human experience.
In this episode, we will specifically explore the biblical references behind the little prince’s mention of needing a sheep rather than a goat.
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A Thousand Mile’s light, no matter the distance, still shines brightly.
I hope my voice can bring you warmth, companionship, and growth.
I am A Thousand Mile, and we will meet in the airwaves.”
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( 圖片由Light-Year Transmission在mid-journey詠唱召喚)
( 圖片由Light-Year Transmission在mid-journey詠唱召喚)
「靴的格的貓」是一個著名的哲學思想實驗,也被稱為「貓的格的靴」或「靴中之貓」(Schrödinger’s Cat),由奧地利物理學家厄溫·薩克羅丁格(Erwin Schrödinger)於1935年提出。
這個思想實驗旨在探討量子力學中的「超位置性」(superposition)和「量子糾結」(quantum entanglement)兩個重要概念。薩克羅丁格將一只貓放在一個密封的箱子中,箱子內有一個量子物理系統,例如一個放射性物質的樣本和一個裝置,當檢測到放射性衰變時,會釋放毒氣,導致貓的死亡。
1. shipwreck 船難
Only a few sailor survived the shipwreck..
I was more isolated than a man shipwrecked on a raft in the middle of the ocean.
2. manage (to try to achieve in one’s purpose)
Here is the best portrait I managed to make of him.
大家一搬比較熟悉的manage的意思是經營或是管理,但是manage也有設法,處理應付一件事情的意 思。Here is the best portrait I managed to make of him. 可以簡單地理解成,這是我為他畫的最好的一張畫像,portrait.
3. apparition 幽靈 ,幻影
I stared wide-eyed at this apparition.
4. inhabited 有人居住的
inhabited 這個是從inhabit 這個動詞變來的,意思是棲息,居住。
Before the arrival of white man, Australia was inhabited solely by Aborigines.
Don’t forget that I was I was a thousand miles from any inhabited territory.
5. overpower
overpower 這個字有打敗,壓制,或是在情感上使人深深感動的意思。
The criminals were easily overpowered by the police.
In the face of the overpowering mystery, you don’t dare disobey.
6. indulgent 溺愛的 寬容的
My friend gave me a kind and indulgent smile.
The Little Prince: Chapter 2
SO I LIVED all alone, without anyone I could really talk to, until I had to make a crash landing in the Sahara Desert six years ago. Something in my plane’s engine had broken, and since I had neither a mechanic nor passengers in the plane with me, I was preparing to undertake the difficult repair job by myself. For me it was a matter of life or death: I had only enough drink- ing water for eight days.
The first night, then, I went to sleep on the sand a thousand miles from any inhabited country. I was more isolated than a man shipwrecked on a raft in the middle of the ocean. So you can imagine my surprise when I was awakened at daybreak by a funny little voice say- ing, “Please . . . draw me a sheep . . .”
“Draw me a sheep . . .”
I leaped up as if I had been struck by lightning. I rubbed my eyes hard. I stared. And I saw an extraordinary little fellow staring back at me very seriously. Here is the best portrait I managed to make of him, later on. But of course my drawing is much less attractive than my model. This is not my fault. My career as a painter was discouraged at the age of six by the grown-ups, and I had never learned to draw anything except boa con- strictors, outside and inside.
So I stared wide-eyed at this apparition. Don’t forget that I was a thousand miles from any inhabited ter- ritory. Yet this little fellow seemed to be neither lost nor dying of exhaustion, hunger, or thirst; nor did he seem scared to death. There was nothing in his appear- ance that suggested a child lost in the middle of the desert a thousand miles from any inhabited territory. When I finally managed to speak, I asked him, “But . . . what are you doing here?”
And then he repeated, very slowly and very seri- ously, “Please . . . draw me a sheep . . .”
In the face of an overpowering mystery, you don’t dare disobey. Absurd as it seemed, a thousand miles from all inhabited regions and in danger of death, I took a scrap of paper and a pen out of my pocket. But then I remembered that I had mostly studied geography, his- tory, arithmetic, and grammar, and I told the little fel- low (rather crossly) that I didn’t know how to draw.
He replied, “That doesn’t matter. Draw me a sheep.” Since I had never drawn a sheep, I made him one of the only two drawings I knew how to make—the one of the boa constrictor from outside. And I was astounded to hear the little fellow answer: “No! No! I don’t want an elephant inside a boa constrictor. A boa con- strictor is very dangerous, and an elephant would get in the way. Where I live, everything is very small. I need a sheep. Draw me a sheep.”
So then I made a drawing.
He looked at it carefully, and then said, “No. This one is already quite sick. Make another.”
I made another drawing. My friend gave me a kind, indulgent smile:
“You can see for yourself . . . that’s not a sheep, it’s a ram. It has horns . . .”
So I made my third drawing, but it was rejected, like the others:
“This one’s too old. I want a sheep that will live a long time.”
So then, impatiently, since I was in a hurry to start work on my engine, I scribbled this drawing, and added, “This
is just the crate. The sheep you want is inside.”
But I was amazed to see my young critic’s face light
up. “That’s just the kind I wanted! Do you think this sheep will need a lot of grass?”
“Because where I live, everything is very small . . .”
“There’s sure to be enough. I’ve given you a very small sheep.”
He bent over the drawing. “Not so small as all that . . . Look! He’s gone to sleep . . .”
And that’s how I made the acquaintance of the little prince.
Listening Quiz
1: How did the little prince appear when he first encountered the pilot?
A. He appeared hungry and thirsty.
B. He seemed frightened to death.
C. He appeared as a beautiful boy.
2: What was the first drawing the pilot made for the little prince?
A. A sheep eating grass.
B. A boa constrictor digesting an elephant.
C. A planet floating in space.
3: Why was the pilot astounded by the little prince’s reaction to the first drawing?
A. The little prince appeared unexpectedly.
B. The little prince fully understood what was depicted in the drawing of the hat.
C. The little prince made a peculiar request.
4: What made the little prince’s face light up at the end?
A. A ram with horns.
B. A very cute bunny.
C. A crate containing a sheep.
( 圖片由Light-Year Transmission在mid-journey詠唱召喚)
“The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility …
The fact that it is comprehensible is a miracle.” – Albert Einstein
“世界永恒的奥秘在于它的可理解性…他是可以理解的這件事本身就是一個奇蹟。” – 愛因斯坦